Day In The Life // Model, Maeve Stier
This week's Day In The Life follows my friend and model, Maeve Stier. Today we follow her around to see what it's like to living as a model in New York City.
How do you start off your day?
I hit snooze a few times (oops!) and then roll out of bed at around 8 and make myself some oatmeal for breakfast. A friend gave me a great recipe with vanilla almond milk, honey, cinnamon, and pecans.
All photos provided by Maeve Stier
I read "The Skimm", which I do every morning (if you don't know what that is, you should definitely check it out!), and then I change into workout clothes and head to the gym.
I have a class pass to ModelFIT gym, which was created by one of the Victoria's Secret trainers. Their classes are fantastic, and I absolutely love their mantra ("It's not model thin, it's model FIT"). Today, I have a "sculpting" workout.
(A shameless mirror photo snapped at ModelFIT before my workout)
After my workout, I rush home to shower, change, throw on some mascara and concealer, and head to some castings - the model version of an audition.
What was your big project for the day?
Today, there are two castings: one for a print beauty campaign and one for an electronics ad.
The first casting has a sign-in sheet and about 10 models ahead of me, leaning against walls or sitting around the floor of the casting office. Once my name is called, I walk into the office at the end of the hall, introduce myself to the casting directors, and hand them my book and my comp card. My "book" is my modeling portfolio (a series of pictures that showcase some of my work) and my "comp card" is basically a modeling resume to leave with them. It contains my name, measurements, agency contact info, and a few photos on the front and back. They snap about ten photos of me, and thank me for coming in. If I get the job, I'll know in about a week.
(Models and onlookers waiting to go into the red office in back, where the casting directors wait)
I hop on the subway and head a little further downtown to my next casting. This time, there's a much longer wait. I give my name to a woman at a desk and she writes down my information and hands me a number: 61. I can hear the casting directors calling out #30, so I've got some time to kill. I join a sea of attractive people and snag a spot on a nearby bench, where I sit and read and hang out with a friend that is luckily attending the casting at the same time. Once it's my turn, it's the same deal as before - introduce myself, give them my comp card, show them my book, and have them snap some photos.
(My iPad (I'm currently reading The Goldfinch!), comp card, and number as I wait)
Was there anything big you accomplished?
Hopefully! Castings are tough, because it's often hard to tell if you'll get the job or not. It's always a great feeling when you get the call or email from your agent saying you've booked the job.
(Finally my turn! Having my photo taken at the casting)
Did you do anything fun?
Yes! After I'm done with model-related things for the day (which I think are fun anyway!), I head over near Penn Station where I'm meeting an actress friend for coffee. I sip on my favorite drink (a tall Peppermint Mocha) and we chat for a while before we have to head our separate ways.
After that, I head home, make some dinner (I normally opt for something super easy to make, like pasta or stir-fry), and plan my next blog post. I write a blog that's a little bit fashion, a little bit lifestyle, and a whole lot of my life as a New York model. Later, I'll do a little bit of studying (I'm planning on taking the GMAT in May) and then head to a favorite local haunt (V Bar) for drinks with some friends from the East Village.
(My blog, Girl x Garment)