Procrastination, Imperfection, and Turning 40 #1

Welcome to The BT Lounge, where perfectionism is overrated, and procrastination is real. In this unscripted first episode, BT dives into the topic of waiting for the perfect moment and how it can kill our desires. But here's the thing, there's never a right time to do the things we want to do; there's always something else that allegedly deserves our attention more. So let's kick perfectionism to the curb and have a messy, imperfect conversation about whatever's on our minds. After all, life is not picture-perfect, and neither is this podcast.

Oh yeah, it's also BT's 40th birthday.

So grab a drink, take a seat, and let's chat.



Hey there, I'm Brittanny Taylor, and this is The BT Lounge. I'm so glad you're here with me today. Now, this is my first episode, and it's completely unscripted. And we're just gonna roll with it. I also remember that my desk chair is extremely squeaky, and I'm not going to worry about it. Now typically, that's something that I would be very concerned with, because of course, I want you the listener to have a really good listening experience. But for me, it's also a bit of procrastination. Like, oh, I can't record right now, because of my chair, and it's going to be too loud somewhere else in the house. The dogs are going to start acting up. There's so much background noise, like you have the window open, but it's too nice to shut the window, you see how the brain tends to work?


So yeah, let's talk about procrastination. Procrastination can kill so many desires. We're waiting for things to be just right. Now, I'm sure you've heard that people with kids will say there's never a right time to have kids and like I, I get that I don't have kids, but I get it.


But, I would say that applies for a lot of things. It's just never a right time to do the thing that you want to do. There's always some other obligation that allegedly deserves your attention more than what you want to do. There's always someone else that needs the attention more than you. There's always something. And for me, I always had something, I always had a reason to just not follow through on what I want to do.


So here we are. Here's the episode, I want this podcast to feel like a conversation with me. Like you came to my place. My dog, Gigi is sitting on your lap. And we're just discussing anything that comes to our minds, anything that's been sitting in our chest, that stuff that we need to work through something you just need to talk out. And then maybe you find that you have the answer all along.


That's what I want this podcast to be. It's not going to be perfect, and it does not need to be. And sometimes you may hear background noise. And that's okay, because that's life. If you want a perfect podcast, this ain't it. This is not it. And that's what I think we'll make this special because we need less perfection. Things don't have to be picture perfect. In order to just start. Currently, my desk is a mess. And if you know me, I'm a little I'm a little anal retentive. Do people even say that anymore? Listen, I need a clean space. That's it. I just flat out I need a clean space for my brain to work.


I do have ADHD in case you're wondering. But I was painting and actually made a mess in the living room because I felt called to paint. So I just pushed everything aside on my kitchen table and threw down a tarp and a canvas. And I just started. And of course again, having ADHD. I was like it's time to record the podcast. You have to put it out in a couple days anyway, so you might as well just go to it. I also think that's the ADHD in me the way procrastination shows up in people varies. But it is some type of perfectionism. We cannot do insert whatever it is here until the setting is right until whatever else is done first, or it has to be the right time of day, or I can't do it now because I'm doing something else. Or it's just I rather do anything else. But that one thing, even if it's a thing you really want to do


I relate to that aggressively hard. That's my thing. I have a lot of great ideas. Did you like my Rhode Island accent just then? I have a lot of great ideas but it is hard for me to act out on them because I get so overwhelmed. There's so much on my mind that I get paralyzed and like my I feel myself tensing up and I just cannot act I can't do anything. But retreat, Merge Mansion. I have gotten really close over the past couple of weeks. I knew as the days get closer and closer to April 15 which is the day that this is launching and my birthday, I had to get it done.


I turned 40 today. And that's wild to think about. I do believe that it's an honor to get old. It's a privilege, especially as, as the world is what it is right now. As a black woman, I feel really lucky to get older and wiser. But with that, I wondered, Am I going to keep procrastinating? Am I going to keep finding some excuse to just not do what I want to do? Am I going to continue to question myself over and over and over again? Am I always going to wonder, what if? What if I just did it? What would I be missing out on if I didn't do it?


So here it is the kind of disjointed first episode of the podcast. And I liked that I liked that it's not perfect. Of course, it's going to be editing and I'm going to do my best to edit out the background sounds, even though I refuse to shut the window. Because today is so nice. It's so nice out, y'all, and I'm not going to shut the window. I'm not going to shut the window.


I'm going to enjoy it. And I will enjoy the imperfectness (is that a word?) of this podcast? Even right now I have a dry mouth. I always want to record something when my mouth is dry. And I don't know why. And I kind of just getting my voice back after a cold and I just said fuck it. It's time to record. It's time to do the thing that I've been meaning to do for a long time. This is a really short episode.


And I think the episodes will vary in length, some will be very short, just a little something to get you going on your day. And some episodes will be longer because I want to have conversations with my friends, not necessarily interviews by just record the conversations that I have with people that I know that I find fascinating. All the times I wish I could just press record on the voice notes on my phone and just have other people take in these amazing conversations that I'm having. So expect that on this podcast, you can expect random bits of advice, things that are on my mind. And maybe if you have a question, I may have an answer for you.


My goal for this podcast is to feel like you're coming over to my house and we're just lounging around and just chatting and you can be vulnerable here. You can feel safe here you can talk about literally anything because I most likely will not judge you. It takes a lot for me to like really judge someone. Now like the snarky a snarky kind of judgment that's pretty easy, but like we're all flawed humans and that makes us human, that makes us people. So I hope you enjoyed this first episode of The BT Lounge. I would love to have you back and I'll see you again very soon. Bye.


Success Without a Five-Year Plan? #2


The BT Lounge Podcast Trailer