Self-Care and Social Justice: Sustaining the Fight #5

In this short but important episode of The BT Lounge, host Brittanny discusses the intersection of self-care and social justice. Brittanny emphasizes the importance of prioritizing self-care as a means to avoid burnout in the fight against systemic oppression. She highlights the Unholy Trinity of white supremacy, the patriarchy, and capitalism as interconnected systems perpetuating injustice. Drawing from her own experiences as a black and indigenous plus-size queer woman, Brittanny urges listeners to prioritize their well-being to effectively contribute to a more just and equitable world.


Podcast artwork by Brittany Lizotte ⁠⁠

Podcast music by Joshua Van Ness ⁠⁠

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    it's my civic duty to do whatever the hell I want.


    If you listened to last week's episode, I said that I recorded an episode and would probably rerecord it. The other night I was on Tik Tok, and I was just scrolling on my iPad as my husband, and I were hanging out at the kitchen table. And I came across a live video. It was a protest in New York City, and it was about what happened to Jordan Neely. This was my first time even hearing about this because, as you may know, a few things are happening. There are things happening every single day. And I can't speak for everyone, but it's almost like you forget because you must survive. So I decided not to rerecord and just post it as soon as possible the way it is, it's short, and I hope it's helpful. Thank you for being here. Take care of yourself.


    It's my civic duty to do whatever the hell I want. Welcome back to the BT lounge. I want to talk to you today about self-care and social justice.


    We were never meant to know as much as we do now. And that's why people are kind of freaking out and scrambling. We're rebelling against everything that we were supposed to never question. Now you can insert this into any major topic of discussion, like racism, fatphobia, or literally anything unjust in this world. This is why it's so important to put our self-care first.


    This is relevant in the context of social issues where the systems of oppression, which I call the Unholy Trinity of white supremacy, the patriarchy, and capitalism, have been deeply entrenched for centuries. These three systems of oppression intersect and reinforce each other. They're interdependent and often work together to maintain the status quo of power and privilege for certain groups of people while oppressing others.


    Everything can feel so messy because it reflects the complexity and depth of these systems of oppression. They are deeply ingrained in our society, and undoing them requires a concerted effort and a long-term commitment to change. The idea that we were never meant to know as much as we do now speaks to the fact that there is a growing awareness in consciousness around these issues; more and more people are waking up to the injustices in this world and rebelling against the systems that perpetuate them. This is causing a lot of upheaval and discomfort as people are forced to confront their privilege and complicity in the system.


    Self Care is crucial in the fight against systemic oppression because it can help us avoid burnout and exhaustion. Think about it. They want us tired; they want us burned out. That way, we can fight. When we are constantly immersed in the work of social justice, it is easy to become overwhelmed by the enormity of the task at hand and to feel like our efforts are not making a significant impact. This is where self-care comes in. It provides us with the tools we need to care for ourselves so that we can continue to show up fully in the fight for justice.


    Self Care could look different for everyone, and it could be as simple as taking a break when we need it are engaging in activities that bring us joy and relaxation. Setting healthy boundaries is an essential part of self-care. This can involve saying no to certain commitments or stepping back from certain activities or relationships. It allows us to prioritize our well-being and ensure we are not taking on more than we can handle.


    Practicing mindfulness and meditation can also help boost self-care. These practices can help us stay grounded and present even in the midst of chaos and uncertainty. They can help us manage stress and anxiety and cultivate a sense of inner peace and calm. Self-care is not a luxury but a necessity in the fight for social justice is a reminder that we need to take care of ourselves to fully show up so we can create a more just and equitable world by prioritizing our well-being; we can ensure that we have the energy and resilience we need to keep pushing forward even in the face of adversity.


    I say it's my civic duty to do whatever the hell I want. Because as a black and indigenous plus-size queer woman that lives in the United States, there are so many systems of oppression that want me gone. Now I also recognize all the privileges that I have. And because of that, I have to do what I can with the platform that I have. So I'm sharing this with you all because I want you to take care of yourself because we need you whole and ready to take on this fight.


    Thanks so much for tuning into this episode of The BT Lounge. I hope it resonated with you. I'd love to know your thoughts. So please hit me up on Instagram. I have all the links down below in the show. No notes, and I would love to hear from you. I'll see you next week here in The BT Lounge.


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