What We Get Wrong About the Law of Attraction #7

In today's episode of The BT Lounge, Brittanny shares what we get wrong about the law of Attraction. Does it have a bad reputation? Yes. Is it completely unfounded? No. Is it all thinking good thoughts and good things will happen to you, but if you think bad thoughts, your world will crumble around you? Absolutely not.

You will hear about Brittanny's introduction to the Law of Attraction, its complicated history, and how to make the Law of Attraction work in your favor.

My other podcast, Middle Vibes, where we talk about Manifestation.

  • 0:04

    Hey there, welcome to The BT Lounge. I hope you're doing well. Today, we're going to do a big topic, the Law of Attraction. And people have a lot of opinions on it, including me. Of course, me personally learning more about the Law of Attraction, I would say happened about four years ago when I came across Abraham Hicks's videos on YouTube. Now it is a podcast talking about the history of the Law of Attraction. And if you actually want to hear that podcast, you can take a listen to my other podcast. Did you know I have another podcast? It's currently on hiatus. That's called Middle Vibes, and we have an episode about the Law of Attraction there. I will link that in the show notes for you to check out afterward. But for now, here is a quick primer on the Law of Attraction.

    The definition of the Law of Attraction is a spiritual belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person's life. It doesn't take that much deep thought to realize there are some issues with that statement. But I also have some issues with the people who have issues with that statement. Let me explain. Humans have the gift of overcomplicating everything and understanding nothing. Okay, Nuance is my favorite word. This is not to say that you need to have positive thoughts all the time, or you'll die. That's not how brains work.


    Expanding on the definition of the Law of Attraction, it means that things, objects, or people with similar energy attract each other. Think of when you meet some new people who are doing really exciting things. They're super encouraging, and it makes you want to do super exciting things and pass on that energy to someone else. Compare that to that one friend from high school that is still complaining about the same boyfriend they had in ninth grade. It's like, "Oh, honey, you're like 35. No one cares anymore." And you end up falling into that same energy, and all you do is complain together. That's essentially the Law of Attraction. It's up to us to make the choice of how we spend our energy. So going back to negative thoughts bringing negative experiences and positive thoughts bringing positive experiences, in a sense, is true for the stuff that we are in control of. That's the part! Of the stuff that we are in control of. We cannot control what other people do around us. People are terrible, and they will do horrific things. And sometimes, we get caught in a crossfire. That does not mean that we attract them. That's a ridiculous thought. Yeah, I hear a lot of people saying that about the Law of Attraction. Let's talk about Abraham Hicks.


    So like I said before, my Introduction to the Law of Attraction was through Abraham Hicks. The Cliff's Notes version of them is there is this woman, Esther Hicks, and her husband, Jerry, who passed on. One day, this collection of guides, voices, unsure, spoke to her under the collective name of Abraham. Now, you know me, I keep it 100 at all times. And there is a problematic history there, for sure. I recall watching an old interview between Esther Hicks and Oprah, where Oprah asked some very specific questions. And basically, Esther said, "Yeah, they attracted it." Well, a baby who was just born isn't attracting insert any terrible thing here. And Esther Hicks had a pretty horrific response of, "Well, you know..." It made no sense. I stopped watching those videos because I felt the flaw of the Law of Attraction and many people talking about it. It tended to be white women who were tall, skinny, and gorgeous in a penthouse apartment in LA and had so much money we've all seen a meme of the Law of Attraction, or is it white privilege? Again, you could check out my other podcast to hear my thoughts.


    But at some point this year, the good old YouTube algorithm popped up Abraham Hicks video backup in my If you need, I watched it, and I noticed the change immediately; instead of focusing on the thoughts that you're having there, we're talking about how you want to feel. And immediately, that resonated with me. Because that's all I talk about. How do you want to feel at the end of the day? If you go back a few episodes to my big sexy word of the year exercise, it's all about how you ultimately want to feel at the end of the day, and we have a choice in how we feel. I know people have beef with that too.

    There was a particular "thought leader," with big quotes around that, who had the phrase, choose joy, and people had such a problem with it. One particular person that I followed online said that choosing joy is impossible. She has OCD, depression, anxiety, and maybe other things; as she says, it's impossible for people to just choose joy; I call bullshit on it. I am not a doctor. I am not a therapist. But I have PTSD, depression, anxiety, ADHD, and a phobia not getting into that. But I actively choose joy all the goddamn time. And you do too. Now I'm speaking to that particular person because I watched the videos. And they're always talking about the things that they did that made them happy or a situation that was rough and how they overcame it. It's like, Honey; I think you just chose joy.


    We do have a choice and how we feel. I want people to stop the What-about-isms and using other people's struggles as an excuse for their own inaction. Of course, some people have crippling anxiety, depression, and pain. And there are probably still moments when they find something to feel good about. Just because someone else is going through something doesn't mean you can stop trying to care for yourself. You can't save anyone else if you're steeped in your own bullshit. Instead of focusing outside of yourself, focus on how you want to feel and focus on how you want your life to be. And that's a choice you have to make every single day; choosing to act in your best interest is the work. That's the Law of Attraction. That's how you get what you want. By showing up and saying, This is what's up. This is how I want to feel. This is the life I want to live. And I'm actively choosing it every single day. And you know what the universe or whatever you believe in, or nothing at all, you will get a response. You're going to get what you give in kind. It's not easy if you've never learned that before, but it's okay. There's no time like the present to start. Now.


    Thank you so much for listening. I mean it, be aware of the energy you put into what you believe in, switch it up, and try a new approach. See if that works for you. Thanks again for being here. I hope you enjoy this episode, and I'll see you next week here at the BT lounge.


I Am Not Afraid to be Seen Trying #8


Let People Have The Wrong Impression of You #6