Tip Tuesday // Take A Break, Seriously

Photo from Death to the Stock Photo

Since the beginning of October, I've been sick more times than I haven't. I run myself into the ground. I have so many responsibilities and I constantly take on more. I always feel like I should be doing something. I don't know how to say no. Everyone wants something from me and I don't want to let anyone down. By constantly saying yes, I am letting myself down. I am wearing down my mind and body. Me being a sick mess of a human isn't helpful to myself or to anyone else. I have to take a break. Like a real break. Don't look my email. Don't answer text messages. Lie down and watch Netflix and take a nap kind of break. Sit by the water with a book that's not about making your business better kind of break. Seriously, out of the ten books I read this year so far nine have been a business or life improvement kind of book. And I started listening to audiobooks so I can take in information while I work. I am non stop and I need a break. As I type this I don't know when that will happen. I need to put it on my calendar. Block out time to not do anything. There is nothing wrong with taking a break and taking care of yourself. Your business won't shut down. No one will hate you. As I tell my friends, you are your number one. You must care about yourself first before anyone else. No one else will do it for you.


Photo Story // Downcity Girl


Photo Story // Witchy Woman